Professor, University of the West of Scotland (Scotland) and Chair of IEEE ComSoc Emerging Technologies Committee on Backhaul/Fronthaul

Title of talk: 6G: Enabling Global Connectivity for Sustainable Futures

Short Bio:
Dr. Muhammad Zeeshan Shakir, Professor of Wireless Communications at the University of the West of Scotland (UWS), UK and received over £3m research funding from Innovate UK, ERASMUS, QNRF and Scottish Govt. With over 15 years of research expertise in design and development of digital technologies published over 150 research articles and contributed to 10 books. Recipient of numerous research awards/prizes including Scottish Association of Minority Ethnic Educators (SAMEE) STEM Inspiring Diversity and Inclusion award 2022 for successful delivery of CEMVO and Scottish Govt. funded project "Stay Safe Scotland", SICSA (The Scottish Informatics and Computer Science Alliance) Best Poster Award 2022, IEEE Communications Society Fred W. Ellersick Award 2021, IEEE Communications Society and China Institute of Communications Best Journal Article Award 2019 and UWS STARS Award 2020 & 2018 for outstanding research, teaching and enterprise performances. Fellow of Higher Education Academy, UK, Senior Member of IEEE, and an active member of IEEE Communications Society. Member Scottish Parliament Framework Agreement Covid-19 Pandemic to provide expert advice on the impact of Covid-19 on digital infrastructure, education, and healthcare. Member Royal Society of Edinburgh Young Academy of Scotland through a country-wide competitive selection process for building Artificial Intelligence capacity across Scotland. Serving as a chair and organising committee of several symposiums/workshops in IEEE flagship conferences, including Globecom, ICC and WCNC. He has been a frequent Keynote speaker/tutorial speaker at IEEE flagship conferences such as IEEE Globecom and ICC and international events. Chair of IEEE Communications Society emerging technologies committee on backhaul/fronthaul, and Public Safety Technology Committee Informatics.