Assistant Professor, University of Sussex (United Kingdom)

Title of talk: Integrated Sensing and Communications for 6G and Beyond

In this talk, I will present on the wireless evolution towards latest IMT-2030/6G framework, trends, challenges, standardization aspects, new spectrum opportunities in mid-band to high frequency bands, and related use cases. In particular we will discuss about achieving the “integrated” 6G and beyond services through the utilization of integrated sensing and communications (ISAC). We will discuss the synergies of ISAC with the key objectives of 6G framework such as ubiquitous intelligence via non-terrestrial networks, sustainable and resilient networking, inter-twining of electromagnetic signal and information theory with ISAC, and latest use cases of ISAC such as in public safety and 6G-empowered robotics applications.
Short Bio:
Prof. Aryan Kaushik is currently with the University of Sussex, UK, since 2021. Prior to that, he has been with University College London, UK (2020-21), University of Edinburgh, UK (2015-19), and Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong (2014-15). He has also held visiting appointments at Imperial College London, UK (2019-20), University of Bologna, Italy (2024), University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg (2018), Athena RC, Greece (2021), and Beihang University, China (2017-19, 2022). He has been External PhD Examiner internationally such as at UC3M, Spain, in 2023. He has been an Invited Panel Member at the UK EPSRC ICT Prioritisation Panel in 2023 plus Proposal Reviewer for the EPSRC since 2023. He is Editor of three upcoming books by Elsevier on ISAC, NTN and ESIT topics, several journals such as IEEE OJCOMS (Best Editor Award 2023), IEEE Communications Letters (Exemplary Editor 2023), IEEE IoT Magazine (including the AI for IoT miniseries), IEEE CTN, and several special issues such as in IEEE Wireless Communications, IEEE Communications Standards Magazine, IEEE Network Magazine, IEEE OJCOMS, etc. He has been an invited/keynote and tutorial speaker for over 60 academic and industry events, and conferences globally such as at IEEE ICC 2024, IEEE GLOBECOM 2023, etc., chaired in Organizing/Technical Program Committees of 9 flagship IEEE conferences such as IEEE ICC 2024-26, etc., and as General Chair of over 16 workshops for IEEE ComSoc conferences such as at IEEE ICC 2024, IEEE GLOBECOM 2023, etc.